Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Up Movie Gathering


Wai Keat Wong said...

I m looking forward to watch Night in the Museum 2 and Terminator Salvation on the same day.. XD

HUNG said...

Wait for me!!!

Hammy said...

I'm definitely in for sure. Hung! Can't wait until July lar.. ><;; lol. You come back we watch another movie bah.

I sent everyone an email already, please do reply so we can organize things up better!! :)

Unknown said...

hey hmm.. some of them would like to watch more than 1 movie, some of them said it's difficult to get ticket for premier so they don't mind watching later.. i'll try to confirm with everyone to make it happen! or any thoughts feel free to drop here a message. thanks!

Wai Keat Wong said...

it willlll be great. where would it be anyway? im one of the 'watch more than 1 movie' ppl anyway :P

Hammy said...

I'm cool with watching it next week! Haha, you guys know what happened to my home so yeah... Gonna go through a lot of mess for some time. ><